Monday, January 21, 2013

January 22nd ~ 4 years gone...

Always one of the hardest days for me, January 22nd. This year it will be 4 years since my sweet wee Mina  got her angel wings. I wish I had never heard of the letters FIP or the dreaded cat disease they stand for, Feline Infectious Peritonitis. We only had Mina for 3 of her 5 short months. Miss Kitty's 19 years, Katarina's 20 years - long happy lives as part of our family. 3 months - not even long enough to know who she could have become!  But in a way those few months have been equally, if not more powerful and meaningful  in my life.

Because of Mina I have become a different person. My heart is open to ALL things animals now. I proudly stand on my soapbox, passionate about so many things for, and about, the animals. Without Mina I'm sure I would have been blindly going through life as I had in all the years prior. What a lot to credit such a wee kitten with?!

Every day I strive to honor her memory, to be part of my FIP Fighters, and family, to educate the public, the veterinarians, the shelters, the rescues, the ask for their help in sending needed samples to the help, comfort and support distraught FIP parents with their raise funds for FIND A CURE!

To my Mina...You inspire me every day, and you will forever be in my heart ♥ Thank you for coming into my life - the tears still come easily - but you have opened my horizons and given me many FIP family....we will find a cure. Love you dear one - your "mommy cat" - me xoxox

To make a Donation to the Winn Feline Foundation's Bria Fund for FIP research:

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