Sunday, January 13, 2013

Before there was Mina...

I don't usually suffer the post holiday blues - but the past 3 years, now in my 4th year, January, the 22nd to be specific, means only one thing to me. It is another year without my Mina. If I am going to have a blog about how I am "inspired by Mina" I should tell you the story about this muse.

But before I can do that, I have had 2 cats in my life prior to Mina...and I want to remember them as well. If it hadn't been for them, there would be no Mina. So grab a cuppa tea...

I was 3 & 1/2 years old when I was at a family party (weird thing cause it was the only one with that local relative ever!) and their cat Midnight had just had a litter (please remember to SPAY & NEUTER your pets). I remember seeing seeing her kittens in a box. Of course our relative was trying desperately to find them homes. We left empty handed that day. I've been told that when we got home I told my parents "how nice it would be to have a kitten". One phone call later and the next day we were back picking between the litter. A stripey female tabby caught my attention. My favorite childhood book was called "Captain Kitty", so with not much inspiration we named her Miss Kitty. I'll be sure to tell you more about her in future blogs - but let's just say she was our "learning curve" cat. Highly independent, not one to cuddle, she was a constant companion in our home for 19 years!

Following Miss Kitty the home was too quiet - and those in the family that had said "no more cats", and those that said "we'll get another" had both done complete reversals from their past comments. There was no way I would NOT have another cat, so off we went to our local famous shelter, North Shore Animal League one cold late January morning. Our first attempt at finding a new kitten came up short (it wasn't kitten season we were told)...but that weekend the place was crawling with adopters (warms the heart) and lots of kittens. I wanted a female black and white tuxedo kitten. It wasn't long before we found her - poking her paws at me through the metal bars of her cage. The people wanted me to adopt her sibling in the cage, but after much discussion, they allowed me to take just her. In hindsight I wish we had brought home 2. We needed a new "K" name and as the Winter Olympics had been the year prior and one of my sports idols was Katarina Witt - gold medalist - we had our name...Katarina! She was as graceful and charming as her namesake. She was a mush and so different from Miss Kitty. She was an active part of our family for 20 years! Her last 3 years of life required lots of medical attention, but it was worth every penny, and the twice daily doses of medicines and the chase that was required to administer them! Needless to say we were devastated at her crossing...and that's where Mina and her sister Katey came in to heal our saddened hearts...

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